It’s near impossible to to have watched all seven series and not, at least once, had to google “ Game Of Thrones map”. A map is an essential accompaniment if you want to get to grips with the game of geopolitics, but the credits are over before you've even got your head around it all. What’s so clever about this particular title sequence is the way that viewers are given a precise look at the Game Of Thrones map – a lay of the Westerosi land and beyond, if you will.Įach episode brings a slightly different vantage point to the Game Of Thrones world, from The Wall in the North and King’s Landing in the Crownlands to Daenerys' dusty cities across the Narrow Sea, all contributing to our broader understanding of what’s happening where and when. And it’s not just the epic, rousing theme tune (although, damn, that's a catchy set of chords).

Can you recall a single other series where you’ll actually tolerate, nay, enjoy, those first 30 seconds of each episode? No? We thought not. Such is the brilliance of Game Of Thrones that even its opening credits are exceptional.