Revo uninstaller vs ccleaner
Revo uninstaller vs ccleaner

revo uninstaller vs ccleaner

  • Distribute Revo Uninstaller in any other form than in the official distribution packages without a written permission from the Vendor.
  • Remove any product identification, copyright, proprietary notices or labels from Revo Uninstaller.
  • Modify, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to reconstruct or discover the source code, or any parts of it from the binaries of Revo Uninstaller.
  • The Software is licensed, not sold, to You for Your use only under the terms of this Agreement, and VS Revo Group reserves all rights not expressly granted to You. The software is owned by the author and protected by copyright law. Any other way of distributing this software is prohibited.

    revo uninstaller vs ccleaner

    You can freely use this software and distribute copies of the ORIGINAL DISTRIBUTION FILE as long as NO ALTERATIONS are made to the file and its contents, no charge is raised and that this license agreement is not violated in any ways.

    revo uninstaller vs ccleaner

    IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, DO NOT INSTALL, DISTRIBUTE OR USE REVO UNINSATALLER IN ANY WAYS. YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT AND THE LIMITATIONS OF YOUR LICENSE BY INSTALLING, COPYING, DISTRIBUTING OR OTHERWISE USING REVO UNINSTALLER. “the Vendor” means the developer of the “Revo Uninstaller” software product, VS Revo Group. This license agreement is a legal agreement between you (either personal or corporate) and VS Revo Group, the vendor of the software product “Revo Uninstaller””.

    Revo uninstaller vs ccleaner